Thursday, July 30, 2015


Why must we refer to each other as a race?
Why can we not just be known as "people"?
And we constantly ask the age-old question
"Why in this world can there be so much evil?"

A child is born with a discriminating eye,
When they see a difference, they just might stare.
But untainted by hate, they just see another child,
Because in reality they just don't care.

Ever thought what teach about racing?
"A competition between the slow and fast."
And forever afterwards, they tend to believe,
It is unacceptable to finish the race last.

Society is corroded with racial supremacy,
And this hate has spawned racial upheaval.
But would we be corrupted with this destructive belief,
If we saw each other as just "people"?

There is nothing wrong with pride in a culture,
But let's teach appreciation rather than conceit.
Because the most important aspect of running a race,
Is not to win, but to passionately compete.

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